- processo tecnico
- технический процесс
Dictionnaire polytechnique italo-russe. 2013.
Dictionnaire polytechnique italo-russe. 2013.
fase — {{hw}}{{fase}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 (astron.) Ciascuno dei diversi aspetti successivamente osservabili in un corpo celeste, dovuti alla sua posizione rispetto al Sole e alla Terra: le fasi di Venere | Fasi lunari, luna nuova, primo quarto, luna piena,… … Enciclopedia di italiano
Right of foreigners to vote — Suffrage, the right to vote in a particular country, generally derives from citizenship. In most countries, the right to vote is reserved to those who possess the citizenship of the country in question. Some countries, however, have extended… … Wikipedia
Higher education in Portugal — is divided into two main subsystems: university and polytechnic education. It is provided in autonomous public universities, private universities, public or private polytechnic institutions and higher education institutions of other types. Higher … Wikipedia
Droit de vote des étrangers — Droit de vote Généralités Démocratie · Dépouillement · Droits civiques · Élection · Système électoral · Vote Typologies Suffrages : capacitaire · censitaire · universel Votes … Wikipédia en Français
Nova Iguaçu Volcano — The Nova Iguaçu Volcano ( Vulcão de Nova Iguaçu in Portuguese) is located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in an area of volcanic rocks at the north eastern border of the Mendanha massif. Klein and Vieira proposed the site to be an extinct … Wikipedia
-ite — 1 ì·te suff. 1. TS med. aggiunto a sostantivi o a confissi, forma sostantivi femminili che denotano un processo infiammatorio acuto o cronico di un tessuto o di un organo: dermatite, polmonite, tendinite; appare in alcuni termini obsoleti nella… … Dizionario italiano
List of municipalities of Portugal — This is a list of the municipalities of Portugal. Portugal is divided into 18 districts (Portuguese: distritos) and 2 autonomous regions (regiões autónomas), Azores and Madeira. The districts and autonomous regions are further sub divided into… … Wikipedia
Portuguese local election, 1985 — The Portuguese local election of 1985 took place on December 15. This was the fourth local election in Portugal since the democratic revolution of 1974 introduced the concept of democratic local power. The election consisted of three separate… … Wikipedia
Bruno Maderna — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bruno Maderna (Venecia, 21 de abril de 1920 Darmstadt, 13 de noviembre de 1973) fue un compositor y director de orquesta italiano y una de las grandes figuras de la música de su país en el siglo XX. Con sus… … Wikipedia Español
Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni — Ministro de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación Argentina … Wikipedia Español
Жуниор Байано — Общая информация … Википедия